Angel Christening Dress Ensemble


Tricity Hokes Creations would like to introduce my newest design the Angel Christening Dress Ensemble. The ensemble includes the dress, ruffle butt diaper cover, bonnet, barefoot sandals, and a blanket. The sizes include are micro-preemie, preemie, 0-3 months, 3-6 months and 6-12 months. This is a great dress that can be super dressy but can also be an everyday set!

I included the micro-preemie and preemie sizes in hopes that you will make some of these little dresses and diaper covers up and give to your local NICU or great charities such as The Preemie Project.

The ensemble is available for download now on Ravelry and Craftsy for only $5.50.  or

All of my patterns are tested, however if you find any errors or have any questions please contact me at

Please like Tricity Hokes Creations and share your completed projects with me on my facebook page: